The BIWF College and Parades
Before the advent of the modern Israeli State, who took the name “Israel” as prophesied in Isaiah 44: 5, the message of the Israel Truth was being accepted far and wide.
Groups were formed in many small communities across Israel nations to study the Bible and teach the message. True Israel pastors and lecturers were also very welcome in churches to enlighten the Christian community. The 1948 creation of a Jewish State blurred the truth and more than ever before, the names Jew & Israelite become synonymous. As the identity of True Israel became less known, many organizations ceased to be. We may not understand God’s plan to withhold sight from the blinded Israelites but truth cannot be hidden forever and thanks to numerous smaller organizations like this one, there has been a growing awakening in brethren across Israel lands, thanks to our precious Lord.
In the twenties and thirties, the presence of the Israel Truth movement was well known as floats of this nature were to be seen in parades.
One of the great servants of God and a dedicated servant of the Israel Truth, Reverend Doctor Wm. Pascoe Goard, founded a college in England. Many young men and women were privileged to attend this college. Before joining British-Israel-World Federation in London in 1921, Dr. Goard was affiliated with this Association in our early days.