Letters from September 2017
We have received a number of messages about the lead-off article “Goodbye Alan” in our August magazine. He certainly was a popular figure. And if it was God’s work, Alan was always eager to comply. I remember assisting him in a Toronto hotel room bathroom, while he baptized 93 year old Eleanor Russell. Was she ever pleased! Alan had friends everywhere who thought nothing of driving miles and miles just to listen to him. Here are but two examples:
One reader in South Carolina wrote, When I opened the first page of “Thy Kingdom Come” and saw the heading Goodbye Alan, I did not have to look any further on the page for I knew it was Alan Campbell. I said out loud to myself Oh No Not Alan Campbell. Then I thought of the times that my late husband and I heard him speak in SC. We would drive several miles and make it an overnight stay at a motel just to hear this great man of God. He was one that could keep your interest up no matter how long he might talk. A man who will have many crowns. And as you have written – …a great man has fallen in Israel
“Here are excepts from a UK reader’s note, “We are writing to say we knew Alan Campbell very well through his ministry (although not personally). We/I admired very much his ministry and feasted endlessly on audio tapes and books; we also promoted and organised some of his meetings held in UK…”
A wonderful tribute was also paid to Pastor Campbell in a special issue of The South West Beacon, from Devon, England, complete with photographs.