We receive many pieces of correspondence both via email and regular postal mail usually with one thing in common, passion. It seems with each new Thy Kingdom Come magazine we put out, or new articles we’ve added to our website, evoke our readers passions to share their knowledge, experience or to ask questions or just to comment. One thing is certain, our message is spreading!
Sometimes, a letter from a reader describes what is going on far better than I can, like this one received a couple of weeks ago from North Carolina. She wrote: “I just wanted to thank you for your faithfulness in sending out your monthly magazine. It is one thing I look forward to! One thing…
December Letters
From Vancouver: Dear Brooks, our minister claims the Kingdom is not material or literal but a spiritual kingdom only, existing in the hearts of humans, or in the heavenly realm but definitely not on this earth. But, I believe as you do that it is an earthly kingdom with different divisions and different kinds of…
From A New Reader: I am a new reader but somewhere I learned about the Glastonbury Thorn, can you tell me a little bit about it? Tor in the background Dear New Reader: Here’s a collection of small articles we published in the past about the Thorn Tree. “Christian legend dictates that Jesus’s great uncle,…
Question: I recall when all the stores were closed on Sunday but don’t really appreciate whether this was a good thing or not. Editor: Here’s what God told us, ““Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labour, and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of…
From Ontario: Dear Brooks, In reading Alan Campbell’s column, it appears we are heading into a very dark period in the world, with wars, weather conditions, etc. Are there any other concerns we should be following that signal the last times perhaps? Thanks Ontario: I called Pastor Campbell on your behalf and while he is…