From the Editors Desk August 2021
When I read Jeff Casillo’s impressive article, “The King”, I quickly realized why they became the “great nation” of Genesis 48:19. They had an outstanding leader in George Washington, and fortunately many great leaders followed, men like Andrew Jackson and Dwight Eisenhower. It is amazing about God, for He selects leaders for the “times” and history proves this out.
The front cover of this issue depicts Ephraim, who was to father a multitude of nations and this could only refer to the greatest empire that ever existed, “The British Empire”. They certainly had their share of great leaders; How about their greatest monarch of all time, Queen Elizabeth I, in whose reign the Empire expanded greatly, and the Protestant Reformation was solidified. Let me give you another experience concerning Britain. World War 2 had begun, and Britain was under the leadership of an amiable but ineffectual Neville Chamberlain. They needed a strong leader who could lead a successful war effort. Winston Churchill was that leader. Many today believe Britain has another Chamberlain in Boris Johnson. Is this God’s plan not to have a Churchillian leader in these critical days ahead.
How about the First Dominion? Canada too has been blessed with strong leaders, their WW2 leader William Lyon MacKenzie King, immediately comes to mind. But, there have been leaders taking the country the wrong way. In 2005, Steven Harper replaced one of those leaders and in the ten years he was in power, his strength improved the country immensely, yet in 2015 a man of little experience and many believe not reflective of the Harper strength, became prime minister. Was this too, simply a plank in God’s plan.
Effective leadership seems to be everything. Without George Washington, where would America be? Still, let’s bring it up to the present. Like him or not, Donald Trump exhibited great strength in controlling illegal immigration, energy independence, economic security and keeping the nation’s enemies at bay. He exuded great strength and determination, but like the Israelites of old in Deut. 8:17, he seemed to cut God out of the equation and took credit for everything himself. There was far too much “I” in his term of office. Well, God replaced him with a leader quite the opposite and so far, the decision-making is doing much harm.
So, with ineffectual leadership in these “Joseph” nations, is this part of God’s Plan to lead us into a new beginning in the eighth prophetic hour or 15 years. How will the present leadership react if economic misfortune comes our way or belligerence from adversaries like China, Russia, Iran and others, brings war to our shores. Are they the archers described in Genesis 8:23 and is it our Lord Jesus Christ who shall help us in our time of weakness, as Deut. 8:25 suggests?
One thing is certain, the die is cast and we have reached that point in our history when only God Almighty can rescue us.