Editorials should be read in the light of the Israel Truth, that is, that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples are the Israelites of the Bible, the inheritors of both the blessings and the responsibilities that God bestowed upon Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through the Israel line.
It’s not that we weren’t warned. A long time ago, on November 21, 1864, Abraham Lincoln wrote the following in a letter to William P. Elkin: “We may all congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its close. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood.
Effective leadership seems to be everything. Without George Washington, where would America be? Still, let’s bring it up to the present. Like him or not, Donald Trump exhibited great strength in controlling illegal immigration, energy independence, economic security and keeping the nation’s enemies at bay.
With the sad demise of Prince Phillip on April 9th, it seems only natural to look at the age of our wonderful monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who turned 95 on April 21st. It will be sad to see her without her beloved Phillip at her side. The Queen affectionally referred to Phillip as “Her Rock”,…
Both Her Majesty, and prime minister are seeking to be all things to all people – but do they realize you cannot compromise your beliefs and your culture – without either watering them down or destroying them altogether.
Michael Clark Let our light shine The year 2020 witnessed a unique moment in all our lifetimes, a pandemic, or so it has been called. The main casualty in all of the lockdowns has been the business world economy, which brings the prophetic Scripture in Zechariah 1:11 to our mind: “Behold, all the earth sitteth…
Just imagine Christian Readers, the tremendous feeling deep inside of you when you are alone with your thoughts of Jesus Christ and you realize just how much He comforts you in your walk through life, how He protects you during times of challenge and how He guides your steps when you are in tune with all He desires of you as a Christian follower. Sounds a little like the opening verse of Psalm 23, doesn’t it, “The Lord is my Shepherd”.