Over the years, we have published many small articles, some a few lines, others a page, but all of them convey matters of interest. Each month we will add a few more and wish you good reading.
Inside the burial chamber there were exquisite items, such as a golden belt-buckle, jewellery in garnet, millifiore glass and filigree gold as well as the fragments of an impressive decorated helmet.
The Australian government has invested a great deal of money purchasing the vaccines, so it is understandable that they want a high number of the public to take the “jab”.
When one plants a seed in the ground one merely watches to see its progress, having no part in the growth process. It already has within it that spark of life and is dependent on God,
A Letter from A Prisoner I am a prisoner incarcerated within the Michigan Department of Corrections. As such, I was quite moved by the letter from a prisoner, “Thank You Jesus!” published in vol. 33 #02, Feb. 2021 of TKC. I have been a “Christian” for 50 years. However, since becoming aware of my identity…
Then, one night while reading the Bible, I felt this sudden peace and joy wash over me. It was better than any high I ever felt. I got the sudden urge to pray. I did and I asked God to fill me with knowledge and wisdom in His laws and commandments.
This is the only Book which gives the Nation instruction to prevent chaos; which directs it in case of war so that its actions may have His approval; and shows it how peace shall be made