
Editor’s Note: Following last month’s article on Martin Luther’s view of usury and usurers, it is appropriate that special correspondent Don Robson enlightens us further with an explanation of God’s Law on Usury and the Law of Release. As we stumble towards that great day of God Almighty, and the enemies of Jesus Christ continue…

Finding God

Dear Brooks, Isn’t it upsetting that organized religion is promoting the idea that there are ways to God other than Jesus, who claimed to be the way. Oh, how they love to make the giver-of-life irrelevant! Destroy Him and destroy Christianity! Well, we are told that Blessed are they that endure to the end for…


It seems to me rather ironic that, while Canada’s Toronto Daily Star is running a series of reports on poverty, the Provincial Government of Ontario has established the minimum wage at $8.00 per hour. Personally, I doubt that any government jobs pay minimum wage, so I see it as a concession to the business lobby. Of…