Proverbs 29-18

Where There is No Vision

When you think about this passage, you can’t help but look back throughout history and see nations with ambitious leaders reaching pinnacles of power through conquest of other nations, then ultimately fading into the pages of history. Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome quickly come to mind, and in modern times, there was France under Napaleon, Germany, first under Kaiser William, then Hitler, Austria-Hungary under the Hapsburg Dynasty, Italy under Mussolini and the Japanese under its military rulers.

the power of the sabbath

The Power of the Sabbath

At one time our Israel nations had laws on the books to prevent business from being contracted on the Sabbath, including sports and other events designed with a profit motive. You couldn’t even impose unnecessary labour on Israelites on the Sabbath. I read somewhere that at the World Exhibition in Paris in the year 1900, neither the British nor the United States would participate on Sundays.

what really made america great

What Really Made America Great

Put simply, all of us in the Israel Truth nations are bringing our own punishment. We just don’t give any credit to God. America is the great nation, the good land, described in Deuteronomy 8, with all its bountiful blessings. In exchange for these blessings, God asked just two things, as recorded in verses 10 & 11. He said: “When thou has eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he has given thee.