Abide With Me

Abide With Me

A prisoner of the Japanese tells how he suffered many cruelties and kept his courage by repeating the first words of ‘Abide with me’ daily and longed for a complete copy of the hymn. Sometime later he noticed a fellow prisoner rolling tobacco in a piece of paper. Something made him ask to look at it and found it contained the complete words and music of ‘Abide with me’. His joy knew no bounds.


History and Our Bible – Our Two Great Teachers

Remember, Habakkuk was describing a time when darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the people. An apt description of our Israel nations and peoples today. At that time, as it is now, the whole world appeared to lie in the lap of the Evil One, and even the chosen nation [True Israel], so singularly blessed and favoured by the Almighty, had wandered far away from God