An Important Announcement
In 2008, our longtime President, Jim Read, closed his life after a long battle with leukemia . In a previous article, I wrote on how Jim, in 1985, spearheaded a rescue plan for this Association, that at the time, was in danger of going under. His were a huge pair of shoes to fill.
We could not have chosen better. Bob Vermaat, a carpenter who came to the message in the early 1980’s and came to our Association in 1997 offered his services and for ten years devoted much time and talent in the furtherance of the Israel Truth message. He also became a correspondent to our monthly magazine and his column, “A Christian Israelite View” became one of the best read articles each month. Now Bob is retiring and we want to give him our sincerest thanks for all that he contributed over the years.
Fortunately, another member stood up and again, we could not have done better than elect Barbara Foulis as our new president. Here is a woman whose mother had come to the message before Barbara was born, so she embraced the truth throughout her entire life. She came to us over a dozen years ago, having retired as a Reginal Head of Mental Health. Before that she obtained her Masters in Social Work, and was a social worker for many years. She is an astute Bible student and often recalls the many Bible studies her mother conducted with her and her brother.