November 2012 Letters
From Vancouver Island: Brooks, Psalm 91 begins, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” I think I know but what do you think is the “secret place?”
Editor’s Comment: Psalm 31:20 partially explains it, “Thou shall hide them in the secret of thy presence…” I do like the way Howard Rand described it in his booklet, “The Divine Insurance Policy.” I quote in part, “But what and where is this secret place? The Psalmist declares this secret place is with the Most High or, as rendered in Hebrew, with Elyon. In a note in The Companion Bible the author points out that Elyon is one of the names of God,’ not as the powerful creator, but as “the possessor of heaven and earth.” This title of God (Elyon) occurs thirty-six times in Scripture. He not only possesses the earth but divides their inheritance among the nations. In Psalms 83: 18, following the defeat of all evil aggression, it will then be made known to all the world that Jehovah, the Lord God of Israel, is Elyon, who is over all the earth. Elyon is associated with Jesus Christ who is declared to be the Son of the Most High (Luke 1: 32-35). John speaks of Jesus Christ as dwelling in the secret place of the Most High when He states: “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared Him.” (John 1: 18.) The bosom of the Father, or secret place, is associated with our Lord’s former glory and His eternal life. With the coming of Jesus Christ the secret of eternal life was revealed, but only to those who became His followers. To all others this place is hidden and unknown because they do not comprehend it. Jesus refers to the glory which He had with His father before He became a man, a glory which all those who become co-heirs with Him will partake of in the age to come. Reference to that glory is made in His Prayer: “And now, 0 Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17: 5.)…”