Happy New Year to Our Readers & Friends
As we stand on the threshold of another year and witness the turmoil around the world, I am reminded of a past powerful New Year’s message by the great scholar, Henry D. Houghton.
“There never was a time when our distinctive Message was so much needed as it is to-day. The forces of disruption, disorder and revolution are advancing on every hand. The period of distress of nations is close upon us. And we alone of all the various associations and churches proclaim to our nation who we are; and, with it, the distinct and definite knowledge that there is for us in God’s Word a way out—a final removal of all difficulties, as well as a full repentance, deliverance and complete restoration promised to us. 0, Israel, praise ye the Lord.”
Over the past months and in the months to come, throughout all our articles, we have tried to interweave one primary message. It is simply this, “Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”
This is a warning of an actual appointment which must be kept. Our God is waiting for us in the way which we must go. Pascoe Goard once wrote, “ In the literature of the Bible there is a living spirit.” The careful seeker must search it out. We must remember that the Word of God is living and it is powerful. It is through this living Word that we are blessed to know Him and to enjoy the fruits of being in relationship with Him.
My friends, the year ahead seems fraught with obstacles. The forces of evil have enslaved our Israel nations as never before. Yet, it could well be a year when Israelites everywhere open our eyes as to who we are and we in this message must be there to show our brethren the way out through prayer and repentance.
May God strengthen us for this great task.
Bob Vermaat