Royal Dissent
We read in Matthew chapter 15:13 one of the most definite vows that the Lord made against the works of the evil one – “Every plant which my heavenly father hath not planted shall be rooted up”. When we look around at our world (His world) today we see so much evil that the rooting up of that which had not been planted by God would overwhelm the recycling efforts of all the nations combined. For everywhere we look there is gross error and delusion.
When I was growing up just after the end of World War 2, most things seemed normal, clear, clean, comforting, and full of Western promise with expanded healthy technology and opportunities for all. People were respectful one to another and despite being poor and having to deal with food shortages, we were happy to be alive. Because deep down we knew that a mighty hand from above had delivered us from the greatest danger and brought us to a place of safety. There was an indwelling confidence that God was with us coupled with a gratitude for His eternal mercy.
All of this, of course, enraged the Evil one who, since that time, plotted with a high degree of cunning to bring down the allied world by stealth and intrigue. Elements of selfishness were encouraged and nurtured, as the old device of divide and rule was enacted upon our victorious land. Forgetfulness was the initial aim of our detractors, to dilute and diminish that which had forged a real and dependable link to the Divine Will. Then, of course, the seeds of dissatisfaction were planted to cause splits in society and the awakening of a constant whining and moaning over things we had not, ignoring those mighty things we did possess. Our country whose officials and representatives had to be solid British stock were gradually oh so gradually replaced by those of an alien persuasion who did not possess such great loyalty to King and country and who were deliberately brought in to reduce our moral strength and fortitude. This process continued over several decades until now it is difficult to find any 100% truly British person in charge of anything.
Even in times when almost every official in Britain was British, there was no guarantee of safety and security within the Realm. In 1936 the powers of International Finance launched a deadly attack on Britain not with armaments or even with financial manipulation, but with the personage of one who was as morally defective as she was stunningly attractive, who had been married and divorced twice – Mrs Wallis Simpson. She was the guided missile aimed with great determination at the heart of the British Empire, its Throne. King Edward 8th had developed messianic aspirations to save the world by his charismatic influence outside and beyond the monarchy and it was such ambition and vanity that was the seeding ground for introducing a person who could be relied upon to discover and reveal to our enemies (posing as friends), secrets vouchsafed to our new monarch Edward 8th. The Prime Minister at that time, Stanley Baldwin was vilified for pointing out the constitutional danger caused by the monarch meddling in delicate international affairs, as at that time Edward had built up what can only be described as a celebrity cult of huge proportions.
In order to facilitate this conspiracy, the German minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, arrived in London in March 1936 to take up the position of Ambassador to Britain, having done similar work in Italy and Austria. Plots and intrigues against God’s people, they are endless and still continuing. The news service in Washington D.C. issued a bulletin stating that the foreign policy of the Baldwin government had been seriously handicapped by the interference of the king.
Thus, we see that the romance of Mrs Simpson (is it a coincidence that the most famous current American cartoon series is named “the Simpsons”?) was just a cover for deviousness of a very high order.
Today, we have an almost exact re-enactment, another damaged and well-meaning ingenue purposely targeted by a steely and secretly advised professional actress who has captured his heart (oh dear) and his children. Still not thank goodness a king-in-waiting. In both instances the dramatic events followed a jubilee celebration of the previous monarch. The first attack failed although our enemies promised us that we would be punished for forcing through the abdication. And we were, by World War 2 being promulgated.
Yet, surely, despite all appearances to the contrary, Our Lord God has His people and His nation in His hands. He has vowed to preserve us against all the odds, for He loves us as His special creation and He will not let us fall completely. His ways are marvellous and breathtaking in their operation. So let us assume the air of victors (not our victory), in this continuing war of the worlds and remember the following words from our Holy Bible.
These 6 things doth the Lord hate; yea 7 are an abomination unto Him.
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs, 6:26-29
Without a doubt, most of the above have been committed by our modern miscreants. But surely Our God has the last laugh, for it is the current Prince of Wales and his loyal wife who are now in the ascendant, after behaving with the greatest dignity under fire. How many times have we not read that God will not lack a man to rule over us via his anointed throne. And 2 days before she died Queen Elizabeth (who suffered similarly) sanctified Elizabeth Truss to be our Prime Minister. Rishi Sunak was entrusted to be our Prime Minister by a king NOT anointed.
So, in this land, at least we have a new royal successor (in embryo) and the promise of a new political leader (in embryo). For be in no doubt, the current incumbents in both spheres are not up to the job of safeguarding His land and His people.
“Let us with a gladsome mind, praise the Lord for He is kind.
For His mercies aye endure, ever faithful, ever sure.”