Special Events
A Time of Opportunity
The Battle for Britain goes on, as the losers in the Brexit vote strive to overturn the historic June 23rd, 2016 vote to leave the EU. ACP’s editor journeyed to England in July and in this message tried to convey the wonderful opportunity ahead for Britain and how through looking at their glorious past, Britons can be assured of a return to greatness. Running time: Approx. 48 minutes
The Restoration of the Dominion
Brooks believes that more than any other time in the Christian era is it more important to sow the seeds of the Israel Truth and the Gospel of the Kingdom. He thinks that as in the days of Hosea, Israel today is being swallowed up and the future is dimmer and dimmer without the Lord Jesus Christ as our Beacon. As iot was with Hosea, we True Israel must reach that point where we will say, “Come, and let us return unto the Lord ……he will heal us … and he will bind us up.” All the signs suggest there is not much time. Running Time approx 56 minutes.
What Will You Do When the End Comes?
Brooks came to the message in 1991 and began writing for Thy Kingdom Come in 2001. His subjects are varied, although prophecy is his favourite. He is a former bank executive and businessman and is now a business consultant. He has authored several books and articles on the Israel Truth and is a regular speaker on the subject. He is co-editor of the magazine and has been a Board Member with the Association for a number of years. Running Time approx 52 minutes.